Monday, July 18

There's a certain beauty and comfort in the sameness of all airports.

I was talking to a guy I work with who wants me to pick him up at the airport in Raleigh when we go to RTP on a site visit. It got me to trying to remember what RDU looked like, and where the hourly parking was. I'm not really worried about it, because all airports are basically the same. I had never driven to or around the Atlanta airport, and yet I easily picked up Craig from there a few weeks ago. You follow the directional signs to the place you want to end up, and there you are. Most airports are even remarkably well-signed. It's "Travelling for Dummies." (Most of the time that's too true.)

At the same time, it shows a remarkable lack of invention. But maybe mass transit is one place you don't want to adopt too much innovation at once.

1 comment:

Colin Donohue said...


RDU is a simple airpot. Very small, and you shouldn't have any problem getting around it. But you are right about the sameness of airports. I went to the one here in Memphis recently, and it's the same as the others. Look for the signs to Elon on your way to Raleigh if you take 85. It's where I went to college.