Tuesday, January 13

Today's exciting variation on the Elevator Odor saga...

And I hate to say it but 99% of the time he is a non-white man. WUWT?

Today's dumb customer award goes to the woman who told me,
"Whether it's possible or not, put "CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE" on page 27."

What kind of miracles exactly does she think I work?

My brain is very loud lately. Even when I'm concentrating on something, it feels like there's this white noise or chatter going on in the background that's trying to distract me. I'm worried that it's the new antidepressants. Really it's probably just the over-abundant workload I've had, and added stress. But it's what kept me up way late last night, when I was posting things at the Forums 'round 2 am.

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